FCC is fully committed to our youth and providing a safe loving environment that inspires compassionate hearts in our children. We model compassion, personal and spiritual growth, through a Bible-based curriculum.

Vacation Bible School

July 15- 19th, 2024

Take kids deep into an amazing undersea adventure where they’ll experience the ever-flowing, never-ending love of God. At Scuba VBS, kids will be immersed in the Word and discover what living water is really all about!


Sunday mornings at 9:30am infants to 3yrs attend Nursery care


Sunday mornings at 9:30am 3yrs to 4th grade attend Worship & Wonder
Sunday mornings at 10:30am 5th to 12th grade Youth program

What is Worship and Wonder?

Children Worship & Wonder uses the familiar four-fold order of worship with which many congregations are familiar. To begin, the children come into a special worship space, to a storyteller waiting to greet them. They sit in a circle, surrounded by bible stories made just for them, with all materials at their height.

Everything in this special place is accessible to the children. The storyteller leads the children in a time of singing and praise. Next they will hear one of God’s stories in a storytelling format told with multi-sensory materials that children of different ages, and with different learning styles can enter into and enjoy. As the story is finished the children are invited to share in a time of wonder about the story. They are asked “wondering questions” to help them dive deeper into the meaning of the story and to listen for God’s still voice that is found there. They begin to see that the stories in the Bible are their stories too. Then as a community they pray together and share in a feast. As they leave the worship center, the children will participate in the last order of worship which is the sending out of God’s people into the world. Each child will be given a special blessing by the storyteller as they leave to be God’s disciples in their homes, schools, and activities.   

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