Our Prayer Shawl Ministry is currently meeting via Zoom.
This ministry provides prayer shawls for loved ones in need of comfort. Some go to participants within our church; many go to those outside our congregation. The Prayer Shawl Ministry gathers via Zoom every Wednesday from 1:30—3:30pm, and every Thursday from 6:30—8:30pm for crafting, learning, sharing and the blessing of the shawls. The ministry is open to all ages and skill levels, and to men and women.
You created every part of me, knitting me in my Mother’s womb. For such handiwork, I praise you. Awesome is this great wonder!”
Psalm 139:13-14
Some Uses for Prayer Shawls
During illness and recovery
For those facing surgery
For those approaching death
As a comfort after loss
For prayer or meditation
As a bridal or baby shower gift
As part of a wedding, child dedication or anniversary
For birthing or nursing a baby
For other rites of passage
In recognition of service, friendship, or community
To learn more about the origins of this ministry, visit ShawlMinistry.com