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Livestreams at 9:30 am on Sunday Mornings

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Staff & Leadership


Rev. Susan Gonzales Dewey

Interim Pastor

Susan received her Master of Divinity Degrees from Pacific School of Religion, Berkeley, CA. Susan was ordained into the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) 1989.  Susan and her husband Don retired after 35 years in ministry serving congregations in La Mesa CA and Ventura, CA and then as Co-Regional Ministers of the Pacific Southwest Region of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) from 2007-2019. In the Fall of 2021 through the Spring of 2022, Don & Susan were the Interim Pastors for two Disciple congregations in Hawaii (Honolulu & Wahiawa). Don & Susan have been married for 42 years, have two children and 3 grandsons. They enjoy traveling, beaches, good books and time with family and friends.

FCCT Staff Circles-02

David Lee

Worship Leader/ Accompanist

David Saul Lee performs as a vocalist and pianist in the Greater Los Angeles Area. He is the Artistic Director of Selah Gospel Choir and the Accompanist/Asst. Conductor to the Beverly Hills High School Vocal Music Program. He has lovingly been involved with First Christian Church Torrance since 2017 and is always in need of a tennis partner. #JoinTheChoir

Andi Capoziello

Administrative Assistant

Andi is a long-time resident of the South Bay, mother to a son (21) and two daughters (19 & 15) and is the proprietor of her own concierge gift service, Allow Me… 

Andi treasures her family and her tight-knit circle of supportive, long-term friends.  Having had a career for many years in the entertainment industry (she associate produced a John Hughes film in the early 90’s), she enjoys binge watching quality television, watching films and lives for her Sunday morning New York Times crossword puzzle with a cup of coffee.

Jill Teruya

Nursery Attendent

Jill is a psychology major at El Camino College.

During the week Jill works at TUSD elementary and middle schools at the After School Club run by the city of Torrance. Over the summer Jill volunteers at our Regional camp Loch Leven.

Jill has been an active part of FCC Torrance for the past 15 years. Taking the role of Nursery Attendant because Jill wishes to help make going to service more accessible and stress free.

To learn more about the Disciples of Christ, please visit any of the following:

General Church

Pacific Southwest Region

Disciples Home Missions

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